O Apartamento ⧫ Content Writing \ Translation ⧫ {ONGOING} AGOBAY ⧫ Story CAM Gulbenkian ⧫ UTIL ⧫ Story about FROM INDUSTRIAL DESIGN for the brand's journal ⧫ UTIL ⧫ Story about Guilherme Bívar & Marta Pavão for the brand's journal ⧫ {ONGOING} AGOBAY ⧫ Story about L'AND Vineyards ⧫ AGOBAY ⧫ Story about Pa.te.os ⧫ AGOBAY ⧫ Story about Casa de Chá da Boa Nova ⧫ Fantastic Paper No. 2 ⧫ Interview to Julie de Halleux \ Lisbon by Design ⧫ Fantastic Frank Lisbon ⧫ Several articles for the global blog ⧫ Openhouse ⧫ Article 'Palácio do Grilo — A dream within a dream' ⧫ English & Portuguese version ⧫ FARE ⧫ Article 'Joana Astolfi - This place is a treasure hunt' \ Translation 'Os Quiosques de Lisboa' written by Inês Matos Andrade \ Other bits and pieces ⧫ ATTITUDE — Interior Design Magazine ⧫ Contributing Writer ⧫ Several articles ⧫ WRONG JOURNAL ⧫ Two articles \ 'Beard and Ginger Take on The World' + 'Finding Solace In Living Well' ⧫ STUCCO ⧫ Book editing + proofreading ⧫ Project for 327 creative studio ⧫ STUCCO ⧫ Folding Booklet proofreading ⧫ Project for 327 creative studio ⧫ PERFECT STRANGERS ⧫ Lisbon / London - A tale of two co-working cities ⧫ OPENHOUSE MAGAZINE ⧫ Casa di Marco ⧫ OPENHOUSE MAGAZINE ⧫ Studio Ødegaard - The Art of Sharing Thoughts Around a Table ⧫ FORA Journal ⧫ Interviews \ Writing \ Translation ⧫ Online + Print ⧫ GERADOR ⧫ O Fado Vadio anda de boca em boca ⧫ Taste of Portugal ⧫ Several Articles ⧫ Through Objects ⧫ Copyediting 'Nature Back to Design - Volume I' ⧫ Village People Mag by Village Underground Lisboa ⧫ Several Interviews \ Translation ⧫ TUNICA STUDIO ⧫ Interview to Motohiro Hayakawa ⧫ TUNICA STUDIO ⧫ Interview to Michael Willis ⧫ Go Back